Wednesday, May 27, 2015

BR3-03:Sleeping Beauty

The king who want a child at some places had. All 12 witches in the country received a girl finally and were called to a banquet except for one person. 13 is said to be because it was an unlucky number. It's said to be because a dish had only 12 of money offered to a guest for a main dish again. Each one witch gives a present using magic. The 13th witch by whom only one person wasn't called to the way of the party appears, and the 11th witch bets the curse he says on just after giving a present "A weight stuck, and a princess died." The 12th witch who had not cast a spell yet corrects this and changes it to the curse to which I say "A weight sticks and a princess gets to sleep for one hundred years." It's because it was impossibility besides the correction that the curse wasn't canceled.

The king who worried makes a princess burn with all spinning car in the country. A princess is growing up smoothly, I'm walking in the castle by myself at 15 years old, and it's a tower of a castle, I stick a hand by the weight an elderly woman was spinning at the top most and fall asleep. A curse spread in the castle and a thorn was lush over it, and no one put it in any more. There was a person who tried an invasion, too, I was obstructed by the thorn interlocked like a barbed wire and entered, yes, a bury, you can break through, without, everyone has died.

100 years later. A national prince around here hears rumor and visits a castle. 2 princesses woke up and got married over the day and lived a happy life.

Knighting, Kate  (1998).Sleeping Beauty . London, England: Usborn Publishing Ltd.


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