I lit a match in order for and a girl also to heat themselves up even a little in the evening. A vision of a warm heater, turkey delicious food and a displayed Christmas tree as well as a flame of a match showed with each, and a vision also went off at the same time as a flame went off.
A shooting star was called off and a girl remembered that my grandmother who loved said "A shooting star was the symbol the life of someone is going to disappear into which." When I struck the next match, the grandmother's vision showed. When a flame of a match went off, the girl afraid that my grandmother disappears, too rushed and lit all matches I had. Wrap yourself up in the form of my grandmother in light light, it was rising to heaven while hugging a girl gently.
Though they seemed happy and I smiled to hold a cinder of a match, new annual morning and girlhood were dead. But no people of who knew people a girl met my grandmother by the fire of the match, and to have climbed heaven.
I felt sad about this story. Actually, I don't like sorrow story. However, if you want felt impress, you should read this book.
Hans, Christian, Andersen.(2012). The little match Girl, Oxford, United Kingdom: Oxford university press.
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